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Protect Your SMS OTPs: Widespread Android Malware Campaign Exposed

A recent shocking discovery from cyber-attacks has exposed over 107,000 malicious Android apps that are designed to steal and intercept one-time passwords (OTPs).

How it Works

  1. Users are tricked into installing malicious apps. 
  2. The app requests access to the mobile phone’s SMS messages. 
  3. OTPs will be intercepted and be sent to the attackers’ servers  

Is the malware and OTP significant?

Our OTPs are like backup security keys to our house, it’s important to make sure they never get stolen. Stolen OTPs can be used to access your personal accounts by the attackers. What makes this malware alerting is that over 600 brands were targeted, and millions of users have already been affected.

Protect Your SMS OTPs | Cyber security companies in australia

Protect yourself

It’s important to safeguard ourselves from any malware in general. Users must ensure their devices are always up to date to have the latest security updates and only download from your trusted sources to prevent malware from getting inside your phone.  

This malware campaign further emphasizes the need for our vigilance around the digital realm. Awareness is a powerful defense so it’s important to be always cautious where you download your apps from. Always remember that having proactive steps in cybersecurity is your best defense against these hidden threats.  


The Hacker News 2024, Cybercriminals Deploy 100K+ Malware Android Apps to Steal OTP Codes,  

The Hacker News. zLabs 2024,  

Unmasking the SMS Stealer: Targeting Several Countries with Deceptive Apps – Zimperium, Zimperium. 

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